Competitor analysis and niche market knowledge lead to multiple hires

Our client, a software publisher for medical analysis laboratories, was looking for a project manager who had already worked in the same type of structure with a good knowledge of molecular biology and microbiology.

The agencies they had been working with were unable to fill the position, mainly because they were local agencies that didn’t have in-depth knowledge of the market. There was only one competitor in the region where we could get potential profiles, which limited the search enormously.

The challenge: This is a very niche and competitive market and the client didn’t have a large budget for this hire. A good knowledge of the client’s competitors and their working methods was necessary to find the right profile.

Our approach: We identified all the software publishers in France offering software solutions in the field of biology. We then identified all the profiles who were or had been in these companies and who had solid experience. The profiles in our network were quickly contacted, while the others were approached by telephone or LinkedIn.

The result: In the space of one week, we were able to send five candidates who all went for interviews. The client was able to compare the profiles and choose the one most relevant to their needs.

Despite a limited budget, the client had a good reputation in the industry and was able to reach an agreement with the candidate who joined the company because of his project and potential.

This success was the start of a partnership that has seen seven roles filled in less than a year.